
Jeffrey S. Melcher, M. Div.

Current Employment

County of Alameda Temporary Assignment Pool, Dec 2020 - present

Swing Education, Substitute Teacher, August 2019 - present
Coach: Level 2 EFT Practitioner, family systems, meditation, and healing visualization modalities.


Level 2 Emotional Freedom Techniques, Radical Resilience Institute,
Berkeley, CA, 2011

Master of Divinity, Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA, 2008.

Certificate in Secondary Education, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI, (K-12 mathematics, 9-12 computer science and sociology), 1985.
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI, 1985.

Experience & Skills

• County of Alameda Registrar of Voters, Accessible Voting Location Captain Sept 12 - Nov 3, 2020. Oversee staff of 17 to run an election site.

• Zipline, Assembly Technician, Quality Assurance, City of South San Francisco Oct 2019 to Feb 2020

Director of  Family Ministries, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Marin, 2013 to June 2019.

Unitarian Universalist Leadership / Professional Ministry:

Lead State-wide Health Care Reform Organizer: project management, volunteer trainer, web database information management, organizational development, educational presenter, . Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry, CA UULMCA 2009-2011.

UULMCA "UU Voices for Health Care" Organizer in five congregations: UUCM, MPUUC,
UUSM, UUCiL, and SKUU, 2009.

Co-administrator, Pacific Central District UUA Coming of Age program, 2008-2009.

UULMCA PAC Interfaith Field Organizer for No on 8 campaign, 2008.

Intern Minister, Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley, 2006-2007.
Intern Minister (part-time Pacific School of Religion field education), Unitarian Universalist Church of Marin, 2005-2006.

Office and Program Administration:

Project Manager, Radical Resilience Institute: event scheduling, systems development, organizational development, outreach, publicity, volunteer coordination, data management, 2011.
Co-administrator, Pacific Central District UUA Coming of Age program, 2008-2009.
UULMCA PAC Interfaith Field Organizer for No on 8 campaign, 2008.
Exec. Asst., Fundraiser and Event Organizer, Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute, Berkeley, CA, 2003-2004.
President, Board of Trustees, Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, July 2000 - 2002 (two terms).
Office Coordinator, Berkeley Fellowship Unitarian Universalists, 1996.
Resident Manager, Griffin McCormick, Inc., Oakland, CA, 1997-1998.
Program Director, Project PRIDE, Phoenix School of Roseburg, OR, 1993-1996.
Teacher, Phoenix School of Roseburg, OR, 1989-1992.
Congregational Life:
Member, Internship Committee, FUUSSF, 2009- 2012.
Pacific School of Religion Field Education, Berkeley Fellowship UU, 2003.
President, Board of Trustees, Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, July 2000 - 2002.
Vice President, Board of Trustees, Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, July 1998 - June 2000.

Office Coordinator, Berkeley Fellowship Unitarian Universalists, 1996.
Interim Director of Religious Education, Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, 1998.
Religious Education Teacher, Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, 1996-98.
Young Religious Unitarian Universalists (YRUU) facilitator/advocate/sponsor,
Umpqua Unitarian Universalist Church, Roseburg, OR, 1990 - 1995.

Anti-Racism Work:

• Small-group facilitator/organizer 2020, Unwinding White Supremacy
Radical Resilience Institute
UNtraining White Liberal Racism program participant, 2007-2009.
Ministry of Equality, as Intern at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley, 2006-2007.
Health care reform organizer, web database information extraction, and fundraising through calls, writing and personal visits. Unitarian Universalist Legislative Ministry, CA UULMCA 2009 - present.
Fundraiser and Event Organizer, Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute, Berkeley, CA, 2003-2004.
President, Board of Trustees, Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, July 2000 - 2002.

House Manager/Caretaker for Ms. Julie Gill, Berkeley, CA, 2001-2003.
Activities Coordinator, Mercy Retirement & Care Center, Oakland, CA, 1999-2001.

Massage, Movement, Arts and Dance:
Docent, Bade Museum, Berkeley, CA. 2005-2008.
Dance ministry facilitator, as Intern at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Berkeley, 2006-2007.
Massage Therapist in private practice, 1996-2004.
Tai Chi Instructor, Umpqua Community College, Roseburg, OR, 1995-1996.

Local, Disrtict and Denominational UU Youth:
Interim Director of Religious Education, Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, 1998.
Religious Education Teacher, Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists, 1996-98.
Consultant YRUU leader, Umpqua Unitarian Universalist Church , Roseburg, OR 1990-1995.
Youth Program Director and Development Team, Camp Imagine (1st Southern Oregon Unitarian Universalist Family Camp) 1993.
Consultant to start a youth group for the Unitarian Universalists Church of Eugene, OR, 1993 Various Eliot Eliot Institute positions (Youth Program Dir., Youth Speaker), Seabeck, WA, 1992-1995.
Waterfront Director, Eliot Institute 2 (UU PNWD family camp), Seabeck, WA, summer 1992.
Eliot Institute Staff (UU PNWD family camp), twice Youth Program Dir., twice Youth Speaker, Seabeck, WA 1992-1995.
UUA Pacific Central District Bridging Committee (youth transition ceremony), 2001, 2002.
Young Religious UUs District facilitator/advocate/sponsor - PNWD, 1990 - 1995.
Founding co-sponsor of Cascade Connection (PNWD Youth cluster, OR and S. WA).
Facilitator, PNWD youth cluster convention (leadership training), July, 1994.
Co-DRE, Umpqua Unitarian Universalist Church, Roseburg, OR, 1994. (Other Co-DRE was 16 yr. old from my youth group).
District representative, Continental Unitarian Universalist Young Adult Network - 1997.
Adult Sponsor/Chaplain of West Con - Summer YRUU conference (PNWD & PCD),1992.
"Teacher Training" Renaissance Module at Shoreline UU with Cynthia Breen (PNWD), 1990.

Other Youth Work:
PANA R2W Summer Youth Program, Berkeley, CA 2004-2008.
Tai Chi Instructor, Umpqua Community College, Roseburg, OR, 1995-1996.
Program Director, Project PRIDE, Phoenix School of Roseburg, OR, 1993-1996.
Advisory Board Member, Confidence Clinic, Roseburg, OR, 1993-1996.
Teacher, Phoenix School of Roseburg, OR, 1989-1992.
Guitar teacher, Rickart’s Music, Roseburg, OR 1992-1994.
YMCA, Water Safety Instructor, Roseburg, OR 1992-1993.
Curriculum development staff, School of Experimental Ecology, Eugene, OR, 1988-1989.
Teacher (K-6 all subjects), Breitenbush Community School, Breitenbush, OR, 1987-1988.
Teacher (math and soc. stud.), Monguagon Jr. High School, Trenton, MI, 1986-1987.
Teacher (math and computers), Meridian High School, Sanford, MI, 1985.
Staff, YMCA day camp, Midland, MI, summers of 1983, 1984.

Other committee work:
Vice President/Chair of Vacancy Committee, Addison Court Housing Cooperative, Berkeley, CA, 2010-present.
Secretary of the Board, Addison Court Housing Cooperative, Berkeley, CA, 2009.
District representative, Continental Unitarian Universalist Young Adult Network - 1997.
Advisory Board Member, Confidence Clinic, Roseburg, OR, 1993-1996.

Intern Committee at SFUU

Worship Committee at UUCB
Finance Committee at UUCB, revived the Endowment program.