Q: What is all this talk of inequality in earnings? Don't we all get what we deserve, receive pay for our work?
A: Besides the fact that women and people of color earn less than a white male doing the same job, wealth for the wealthy has tripled over the last three decades while earning power for most people has remained the same or decreased.
Take a look at this study:
Study: Income of Wealthiest 1 Percent Tripled over Last Three Decades
A colleague and church elder is in this video exposing offshore money laundering. http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=VnwRodMiBwA
A: Besides the fact that women and people of color earn less than a white male doing the same job, wealth for the wealthy has tripled over the last three decades while earning power for most people has remained the same or decreased.
Take a look at this study:
Study: Income of Wealthiest 1 Percent Tripled over Last Three Decades
A colleague and church elder is in this video exposing offshore money laundering. http://www.youtube.com/watch?