It will be 6.5 years since I started back at UUCM in a position of professional service, this time as the Director of Religious Education. (I had been a part-time ministerial intern at UUCM back for the academic year 2005-2006 and developed a solid relationship with the congregation then.)
Now as the Director of Family Ministries I see that for multiple reasons it is time for me to take another step into the stream of life, back on the path of ministry. I may even eventually seek ordination, but one step at a time. for me at least, the path of ministry is winding and full of surprises. I know I am already doing ministry and have been for years in various roles and positions. I know most of you have been doing various forms of ministry in your lives as well. We all can do acts of service whenever we are in our lives and in the world. So, what is different about this next step of mine you ask?
This move towards doing my Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) unit is a nexus point of professional, personal, and spiritual development. It is fraught with meaning, challenge, and growth opportunities. So, naturally, I have had some resistance to taking this step. Why do we resist things we know we need to do, that we know are good for us, things that will make us stronger and more whole after we go through the fire of change? Oh, right, the fear of getting burned, of changes in the crucible of life, of ego being challenged and dissolved. Yep, I expect I will be a different person somewhat after the 10-week CPE experience. Most people say it was the hardest thing they have ever done, yet also one of the most rewarding. Yes, I am preparing for a gauntlet of the soul.
Still, this is only one more step towards ordination if I choose that destination. I would still need to read about 40 books and a dozen essays to prepare for the UUA's Ministerial Fellowshipping Committee (MFC) and sit in a session with them prepared to answer any question about UUism, the books I read, any of the major religions of the world, or any personal question they seem is fit to ask. Whew, that will be the big day of reckoning! Candidates then get a green, a yellow, or a red light about moving forward towards ordained ministry.
Which steps of the winding path towards ordination have I done? I have completed:
* Seminary at Pacific School of Religion (3.5 years)
* Part-time ministerial intership as a field-ed reuirement for seminary at UUCM (9 months)
* Standard required psychological evaluation
* Review by the UUA Regional sub-committee of the MFC
* Full-time ministerial internship at the UU Church of Berkeley (9 months)
* Seminary at Pacific School of Religion (3.5 years)
* Part-time ministerial intership as a field-ed reuirement for seminary at UUCM (9 months)
* Standard required psychological evaluation
* Review by the UUA Regional sub-committee of the MFC
* Full-time ministerial internship at the UU Church of Berkeley (9 months)
I still have:
CPE (10-week full-time or equivilet)
Candidate status review with the MFC
Read a LOT more books and study for the MFC review
MFC review for clearance towards ordination
CPE (10-week full-time or equivilet)
Candidate status review with the MFC
Read a LOT more books and study for the MFC review
MFC review for clearance towards ordination
A whole lot of steps and each has a myriad variety of twists and turns of their own. I don't know if I will achieve that goal of ordination, but I do know this for quite sure ... UUCM will be one of the congregations invited to the party.
Thank you for twice being a congregation where I was invited in and supported to practice ministry in your community. I feel blessed and grateful.
May we each find the courage to take whatever our next steps are in spiritual, personal, and/or professional growth.
Namaste and Blessed Be,